
DramaWorks Covid 19 Guidelines

DramaWorks is committed to providing a safe and healthy learning space for our students. To ensure that, we have developed the following Covid Guidelines for all students


When you arrive and exit  class  please wear you mask and sanitise your hands

Please adhere to 2 meters social distancing in all drama activities

Please observe good respiratory hygiene – Coughing and sneezing into your elbow

Please leave the hall in single file

We are asking all secondary school students bring a mask with them and to wear it while entering and exiting. We may ask you to wear a mask for some activities.

Please do not come to class if you feel unwell, have a cough or temperature or experience loss of smell or taste 

Please do not come to class if you have been in contact with someone who has tested  positive or suspected as having Covid in the last 14 days 

If you feel unwell in class please let the teacher know immediately 

Students developing  Covid like symptoms during class will be isolated and asked to wear their  mask until collected by parent /guardian 

Parents and siblings should remain outside the building